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Beijing's best English-language website and weekly newspaper

by Richard Heddon
Taiwanese playwright and director Ismene Ting has returned to Beijing with the encore production of her play A Man with Two Wives.

Zhao Le : August 6 - 12, 1999
Weekend highlights include: Bomb Shelter Art Exhibit, Live Drum and Bass, Rock Climbing Trip and much much more
The Picks , Art Scene, Cinema Scene, Exhibition Scene,
Stage Scene, Kids Scene,Sports Scene

Scene Classifieds: Jobs, jobs, jobs...
Buy one house, rent another and impress a tutor cutie with that used fridge you bought working part time teaching English to a punk rocker
Employment Offered, Employment Sought, For Sale/Wanted,
Housing Available/Sought, Services, Personals, Announcement


Ask Ayi: Ayi in Control
China's population is 1.3 billion and counting. Birth control has slowed but not stopped the Malthusian growth. Give me the lowdown on contraception in the People's Republic.
21st-century Man

Comrade Language: Judging a Book by its Cover
The word 'stereotype,' like the word 'doggie-style,' is difficult to translate accurately in Chinese. A stereotype is an assumption about an individual's behavior or personality based on his or her nationality or skin color.

MANDOPOP: Notes from China's cultural underground
Avant-Garde Underground, New Rock Releases, In the Shower and On the Road, Rhino in Love and Steal This Book.

In Short: Translations from the Chinese press
Fortune Telling, Telecom Mavericks Wage war, University Expansion

FYI: Dialing for Dollars
The buzzword in cell telephone circles is 'dual band.' This refers to phones that can connect via the 900 and 1800 MHz frequency bands currently used in China. The phones automatically search out and utilize the clearest frequency giving you optimal reception. The following manufacturers retail dual band phones in Beijing, listed here with model numbers and retail prices...

Best Bite: The Mother of All Theme Restaurants
In the right mood, Mother Earth affords an interesting ambience, but it's hard to imagine a mood that could make the lasagna appetizing.

Restaurant Scene

Book Scene: A library that Makes one Smile
by Brent Beisher
The newly renovated Beijing Public Library proffers hope for the information-starved

Yanghunzi vs. Shudaizi
STREET PUNK VS. BOOKWORM The cartoon saga continues

Doctor Doctor China's Cultural Underground Daily Entertainment Guide Classifieds Book Reviews Wine and Dine Comrade Language Ask Ayi cartoon FYI In Short - News from the Chinese press